
  • This section explores the multifaceted power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), showcasing its diverse applications across various fields. Additionally, it offers insightful reflections and analyses on AI technology, delving into its implications, advancements, and the ethical considerations it brings to the forefront.

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  • While some argue that design differs from art in its practicality, design transcends mere utility. It acts as a powerful medium that communicates ideas. This section explores how the boundless freedom of design enables unique expressions of concepts, spotlighting the distinctive perspectives that only designers can bring to life.

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STEM Idol for Girls

The "STEM Idol for Girls" is a virtual STEM learning platform specifically designed for girls aged 7-20. It aims to ignite interest, passion, and expand knowledge in STEM subjects among females, preparing them for a rapidly evolving technological era. The project addresses the gender gap in STEM fields highlighted by a Unicef 2020 study, attributing it not to cognitive ability but to stereotypes and gender bias. By using AI algorithms to create virtual STEM idols, teachers, and peers, the project seeks to inspire and encourage female participation in STEM.

#1 AI

Half Baked

While the traditional smart cooking experience has reached a plateau in terms of precision, the Half Origin team recognized that there are many more aspects of the experience that need improvement. By introducing AI into smart cooking, the AIoT cooking experience is set to transform the current landscape. This innovative solution offers systematic, personalized dietary recommendations, efficient food storage management, serves as an emotional companion and many more…


While many people navigate the world using their vivid imagination, individuals with aphantasia must rely on sparks within the emptiness of their minds. This tool, designed specifically for those with aphantasia (the inability to visualize mentally), aids in addressing their daily cognitive challenges. It integrates the latest image recognition and modeling technologies, including Monster Mash, ChatGPT-generated Blender scripts, language recognition and etc.

Midjourney Prompt Analysis & Visualization 

MidJourney, an AI-driven image creation tool, uses a unique command format (`/imagine <image prompts> <text prompts> <parameters>`) for user-guided image generation. To understand user behaviors and preferences, I've developed automated analysis tools using SideFX Houdini, Python, VEX, and node-based workflows. These tools automatically process and structure data from JSON datasets obtained from Discord public channels, creating analytical charts. Users can customize various parameters like directory paths for data files, temporal granularity, and chart aesthetics, including color schemes.

Yes, We Menstruate! - A Collaborative Interactive Toolkit

"In the project 'Yes, We Menstruate!' I challenge Sigmund Freud's 'Penis Envy' theory and address conflicts arising from patriarchal systems. The focus is on the positive aspects and unique collaborative spirit linked to the female menstrual cycle, including menstruation and hormonal influences. Additionally, I'll explore ways for individuals without a female reproductive system to understand and connect with these experiences, promoting empathy and understanding across different gender identities."

Presence in Absence - The Boundary Between Real & Virtual

3-Stage Interdisciplinary Multimedia Discursive Projects

With the advancement of technology, the meaning of presence has become diverse and ambiguous.

The birth of written language allows people to access information via unified symbols. With the invention of social media, traditional means of communication were completely subverted, allowing for real-time interaction without physical distance. It was not until the recent emergence of technologies like NFT and blockchain based on cryptocurrency that intangible content could now have ownership, and transactions could be fully transparent.

#2 Discursive Design

Doge that Beam - A Single-Player Laser-Skipping Game

"Doge that Beam" is an immersive single-player laser-skipping arcade game that places you in the role of a butterfly-like creature, the game's hero. As you dive down a visually stunning, sci-fi-style tunnel, your agility and reflexes are put to the test. Your main challenge is to navigate through an intricate maze of laser beams that form various geometric patterns. These patterns spin and shift, creating a dynamic obstacle course that you must skillfully dodge to continue your descent into the depths of this otherworldly environment. Designed for easy replayability, new rounds start with a single click, ensuring a constantly fresh and thrilling experience.

#3 XR/Game

Carbon 30 - A Greener Shade of Dark

While serving as an educational tool that introduces the global carbon credit system primarily to teenagers, ‘Carbon 30’ aims to criticize how a system, ostensibly motivated by positive goals, can be abused for negative competition and to hinder the development of opponents. In a world where the richest country holds the most sway and power, systems can be exploited to fulfill the desire for increased capital.

Meat to the NTH Power

An innovative retail concept blending a library design with a succulent plant selling platform, inspired by Shuyang's green value commercial principles. This unique space not only sells succulents but also offers hardcover books titled "The Gift of Succulents," each narrating the story of different succulent plants. The design scheme marries the tranquility of a library with the vibrancy of a plant store, creating a serene yet stimulating shopping experience for succulent enthusiasts.

EBC E-Book Platform

The EBC E-Book Platform is an innovative cloud-based, cross-platform data system designed to enhance the reading and dissemination of e-books. Addressing challenges like large file sizes, format incompatibility, and cloud sync issues, it aims to improve the reading experience and efficiency. Key features include a user-friendly interface for book browsing, format conversion, and sharing, along with intelligent search capabilities. The platform caters to various user scenarios like learning, working, waiting, and leisure, supporting a range of devices, including laptops, Kindle, iPads, and smartphones. This solution effectively tackles common e-book pain points, promoting knowledge exchange and reading enjoyment.

#4 User Experience/Service Design